Information for Vendors: Sponsorship Details
Three different levels of sponsorships will be sold for:
Gold ..... $5,000
Silver ... $3,000
Bronze ... $1,000
All three levels will get separate billing as a sponsor on the web site,
email notices, and radio ads. They will also get consideration for
Exhibit Booth placement.
Gold Sponsors - opportunity to contribute keynote speakers, have their
logo imprinted on lanyards for the show for one of three different
groups, 1) Conference Attendees, 2) Exhibit attendees, or 3) Exhibitors
(Conference, Speaker & Exhibitor Personnel)
Silver Sponsors - billing next to Gold Sponsors in marketing material,
and add on company info for the badges used in the show for one of three
different groups, 1) Conference Attendees, 2) Exhibit attendees, or 3)
Exhibitors (Conference, Speaker & Exhibitor Personnel).
Bronze Sponsors - billing as a sponsor on the web site, email notices,
and radio ads.
More information available from [email protected] or Glenn Jacobson at 419 861-3331.
Presented by:

Unique Systems, Inc.
SBD: Strategic Business Development