Information for Vendors: Miscellaneous
Lunches will be provided on a cash basis at The Pinnacle from 12:00 Noon
to 1:30 PM each day.
Booth Set Up Time:
The Pinnacle will be open from 6:30 PM to 10 PM on the evening of the
30th to do the set up of your booth. If you need additional time or
feel that you can do it inside of an hour or less you could also
come to The Pinnacle on the morning of the 31st at 7:30 AM to do
the set up. The Exhibition starts at 10 AM on the 31st.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to arrive at The Pinnacle with your Pass that is
printed off of the web site so that we can provide you with
a badge. Also, by preregistering and obtaining the Pass,
you not only will speed up the registration process, but also
the Pass can be used at multiple restaurants near The Pinnacle
to obtain Think-Linux specials! The Restaurants are listed under
the Travel and Lodging section of this site.
Shipping Instructions:
Any items that are shipped to The Pinnacle should be clearly marked
Think-Linux, and shipped to:
Unique Systems, Inc.
c/o Think-Linux
6920 Spring Valley Drive
Suite 106
Holland, OH 43528
If you want to leave items at The Pinnacle for shipping you will
have to package the items and leave them WITH PREPAID shipping
tickets from UPS or FedEx.
This year's show is being organized by Unique Systems as in the past,
but a new partner has been added, Strategic Business Development. We
can be reached at:
Unique Systems, Inc.
c/o Glenn Jacobson
[email protected]
419 861-3331
Strategic Business Development
c/o Mark Parr
[email protected]
419 843-9276
Presented by:

Unique Systems, Inc.
SBD: Strategic Business Development